Education Project: Online Learning Platform and Onsite Exhibition

K–12 students and educators are a priority for Asia Society Texas as we advance our mission of building cross-cultural understanding for a more inclusive society. In an effort to assess needs, identify gaps, and create effective and appealing learning experiences, our leadership team visited 20+ museums in 6 cities, as well as hosted a series of workshops with 30 educators and 120 students.
Building on this work, we are excited to launch a bold Education Project comprised of two initiatives: an Onsite Exhibition opening summer of 2023 and an Online Learning Platform available in fall 2023.
At our Center in Houston's Museum District, the Onsite Exhibition will offer an immersive learning journey through Asian art, culture, and contemporary global issues in a fun, multisensory, and interactive environment. This flexible permanent exhibition will provide engaging an fun learning rooms and stations with content and materials refreshed regularly.
The aim of the Online Learning Platform is to spark student curiosity, build cultural empathy, and develop global competency through an immersive virtual journey across Asia, utilizing graphic novels, interactive modules, and tools for educators. This platform will become a premier resource for educators in Texas and nationally to seamlessly integrate content about Asia into their classrooms.
Get Involved
We believe these learning resources will provide cross-cultural understanding for a united and shared humanity. If you are passionate about education and wish to join us in this transformative endeavor, see the following opportunities:
- Contribute towards the capital campaign. Click here to donate or contact us for additional information.
- If you are a student, we invite your input to create the framework for the storyboards and review of the graphic novels.
- If you are an educator or school administrator, we welcome your guidance as we continue to shape the overall project. We will also need volunteers to pilot the online learning platform.
To get involved and learn more, please contact Jennifer Kapral, Director of Education and Outreach: [email protected].