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In August's edition of Asia Inside Out, we take a look at the Pacific region, where the strategic interests of major powers and their allies intersect and undermine aspirations for a “united ocean of peace.”
Solomon Islands, in the southwestern Pacific, is on the front line of big power games between China and the U.S. Hear from seasoned local journalist Dorothy Wickham and leading entrepreneur Jay Bartlett.
French President Macron wants to be a central actor in the Indo-Pacific region. What motivates him to step it up now, and why does he think Europe should be an alternative for countries tied up in a choice between China or the U.S.?
Asia Society Australia experts appearing in the Australian Financial Review, The Australian, The Diplomat, Lowy Institute's Interpreter, Vietnam Plus and Voice of America, on ABC Radio National and more.
Experts, including WTO Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard, discuss the way forward on critical trade issues following the postponement of the World Trade Organization 12th Ministerial Conference.
아시아소사이어티 정책연구소는 최근 남중국해 제해권을 둘러싼 충돌과 당사국들의 입장을 총정리하는 보고서를 발간했습니다. 본 보고서는 서로 상충되는 영유권 주장의 4개국 외에도 주변국인 인도네시아의 입장에 대한 검토가 포함하는 한편, 중국의 급부상과 강력한 물리력을 바탕으로 전개되는 베이징의 강력한 대외전략을 재조명합니다.
An expert panel, including Asia Society Policy Institute Senior Fellow and former Australian Ambassador for the Environment Patrick Suckling, examine the opportunities for a renewable recovery for Asia.