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What Global Education Can Learn From Public Health (Complete)
NEW YORK, September 18, 2017 — Experts in global education discuss what their field can learn from global public health — and what it can't. Speakers include Gina Lagomarsino, president and CEO of Results for Development; Ariel Pablos-Mendez, professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center and former head of USAID Health; J. Puckett, senior partner and managing director, The Boston Consulting Group; Alice Albright, CEO, Global Partnership for Education; Wendy Kopp, CEO of Teach For All; Ju Ho Lee, education commissioner and former minister of education, Republic of Korea; Dolores Dickson, executive director, Camfed Ghana; and Elyas Felfoul, director of policy development and partnerships, WISE World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE). The conversations were introduced by Tony Jackson, vice president of education and the director of the Center for Global Education at Asia Society. (1 hr., 22 min.)