Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan | 延綿之軀:謝景蘭藝術展
April 27 to October 24, 2021
2021 年4月27日 至 10月24日
Xie Jing-lan (1921-1995), nicknamed Lalan, was an inspirational figure whose legacy lies in the art form known as integrated art, incorporating painting, music, and dance. Having received professional vocal training, Lalan studied composition and modern dance, and began her artistic career painting abstract art after relocating to Paris. Without making any sketches, Lalan choreographed the paintings with her instinct and voluntary gestures. The abstract presentation documented the transition of Lalan’s inner psychology and reflected the harmonious state she had been yearning for.
Showcasing over thirty masterpieces and archival materials of her cross-disciplinary attempts, Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan traces the artist’s transformative moments, and experimentation and introspection through the bodily focused art-making practice. As the fourth instalment in the 20th Century Chinese Female Artist Series, Asia Society Hong Kong Center (ASHK) hopes to commemorate the artist’s centennial, while celebrating her significance as a pioneer of cross-disciplinary art, and her impact on merging the aesthetic of East and West.
With the aim to reconstruct Lalan’s imprint on integrated art, we will collaborate with local choreographer Allen Lam to deliver a retrospective performance combining elements of music, dance, and Augmented Reality technology. In her creative process, she explores diverse possibilities within cross-disciplinary art forms, while staying true to her authentic self. Her profound desire for breaking boundaries allows audiences to stretch their imagination, and contemplate the unfamiliar in the artistic realm.
Born into a scholarly family in Guiyang, Xie Jing-lan (1921-1995), nicknamed Lalan (formerly Lanlan), received modern Western education and music training at Hangzhou National College of Art (now known as the China Academy of Art). Married to painter Zao Wou-ki in 1941, the young couple sailed to Paris for Western art inspiration seven years later. As a muse and companion of the rising star in visual art, Lalan engaged with the Parisian art community, while continuing her exploration of electronic music and modern dance with different masters. Soon after her second marriage with musician and sculptor Marcel Van Thienen in 1957, Lalan changed her name from “Lanlan” to “Lalan” and embarked on her journey as an artist individually.
Her solid foundation in music and dance enhanced Lalan’s sensibility of improvisation. The abstract presentation driven by instinct not only documented the artist’s inner psychology, but also reflected the harmonious state she had been yearning for. Alongside the parallel development in composition, dance and paintings, Lalan started exploring the combination of these multiple art forms, termed “integrated art”. Her research in and promotion of integrated art was recognized by the Culture Ministry of France, with Lalan receiving the Chevalier de l’ Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1975. Her work has not only been exhibited across Europe and Asia, but are also displayed in the collections of the Culture Ministry of France, Musée d’ Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Shanghai Art Museum, Hangzhou Art Museum, Macau Museum of Art, and galleries and private collectors around the world.
謝景蘭(1921-1995),綽號蘭蘭,出生於貴陽的書香門第,早年接受西方現代教育及於國立杭州藝術專科學校(現為中國美術學院)開展其音樂訓練。1941年與畫家趙無極結婚,七年後共赴巴黎開拓藝術視野。作為藝壇新星的繆斯及伴侶,謝氏與當時的巴黎藝壇交流頻繁,同時向不同大師學習電子音樂及現代舞蹈。1957年與雕塑家及音樂家范甸南(Marcel Van Thienen)結婚,並更名為「拉蘭」(Lalan),從此獨自開展其藝術事業。
謝景蘭在音樂及舞蹈的造詣,讓她在即興創作上展現出敏銳的觸角。其直覺催生的抽象作品不僅紀錄自身的內在心理變化,更映照出對融和之境的嚮往。隨著謝氏在音樂、舞蹈及繪畫方面的並行發展,她開拓出「綜合藝術」(L’art synthèse),將上述跨界藝術形式結合為一。1975年獲法國文化部頒發藝術與文學騎士勳章以表彰其在「綜合藝術」的研究及推廣方面所作的貢獻。謝景蘭的作品除在多個亞洲及歐洲展覽中展出,同時獲法國文化部、巴黎市現代藝術博物館、上海美術館、杭州美術館、澳門藝術博物館,以及世界各地的藝廊及私人收藏家所收藏。
Exhibition Period
27 April - 24 October 2021
Free admission
Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine
9 Justice Drive Admiralty, Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 11am - 6pm
Last Thursday of every month (April 29, May 27, June 24, July 29, August 26, September 30 & October 21, 2021): 11am - 8pm
*Last admission:30 minutes before closing*
Closed on Mondays
# Special opening hours will be announced on website.
亞洲協會香港中心 麥禮賢夫人藝術館
星期二至星期日: 上午11時至下午6時
# 特別開放時間將在網頁上公佈。
1. Exhibition Introduction 展覽介紹
2.Abstraction with Calligraphic Elements 書法元素,營造抽象 (1957–1969)
3. Dual of Words, Quarrel Between Light and Dark 《光影鬥 語字戰》(1963)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
162 x 114 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
4. Ivy, Rock and the Moon《常春藤,岩石和月亮》(1969)
Mixed media on paper 紙本混合媒介
246.5x 152 cm
Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection 攻玉山房藏品
5. Go with the Wind《隨風飄逝》 (1968)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
195 x 194 cm, diptych 雙聯作
Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection 攻玉山房藏品
6.The Tranquil Eternity 永恆的寂靜 (1970–1983)
7.On the High Pass《行於高道》 (1979)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
130 x 195 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
8. At Full Moon《月圓時》(1984)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
114x 195 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
9. Spectacle 奇觀表演
10. The Return to Abstraction 回歸抽象 (1984–1995)
11.To Edgard Varèse《向埃德加·瓦雷兹致敬》(1985)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
97 x 195 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
12.Remembering Henri Michaux《回憶米修》 (1984)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
97x 195 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
13.The Green Bank Note for the Ecologists《給生態學者的綠色鈔票》 (1987)
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
130 x 195 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
Oil on canvas 布本油彩
195 x 130 cm
Private collection 私人藏品
We provide free regular guided tours in Cantonese and English with a capacity up to 6 people on a first-come, first-served basis. Guided tours last an hour, inclusive of a viewing of the exhibition. Additional insights will be given into the story behind the works in Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan.
中心提供免費廣東話與英語展覽導賞團,名額最多 6 人,先到先得。 導賞團大約一小時,包括《延綿之軀﹔謝景蘭藝術展》展覽介紹及作品背後的故事。
Every Saturday 逢星期六
14:30 English 英語
15:30 Cantonese 廣東話
Every Sunday 逢星期日
14:30 English 英語
15:30 Cantonese 廣東話
Every Last Thursday of the Month 每月最後一個星期四
18:00 English 英語 / Cantonese 廣東話
Private Gallery Tour 私人展覽導賞團
School and group tours in Cantonese or English are offered during exhibition opening hours upon request. Schools, registered charities and community groups and other non-profit organizations are welcome to book the tours. Between 7 and 14 participants are needed for the group reservation. Please make an appointment at least 2 weeks in advance by WhatsApp us at +852-2103 9533 or scan the QR code below.
中心為學校及不同團體提供粵語及英語導賞團,歡迎學校、註冊慈善團體或非牟利機構參加,至少7 至14人成團。如有興趣者,請於至少2 星期前WhatsApp至 +852-2103 9533 或掃瞄以下二維碼安排預約。
We will deliver a series of programs related to Extended Figure during the exhibition period. To better bond the community together, we are delighted to offer both online and on-site learning programs to extend visitors’ exhibition experience so that they can learn anytime and anywhere.
Beyond Motion and Stillness | 遊歷於動與靜之外
5/22/2021-5/23/2021, Friday-Saturday│星期六、日
Starts 17:30; Close 18:15│開始 17:30; 完結18:15
Free Admission. Registration for May 22 and May 23.
To better understand the exhibition, performances will be delivered by an established choreographer and performers to explain the meaning of integrated art through physical movements and visual elements. Connectedness, heritage, technology and sensations are topics relating to the preferences to be explored by visitors. The performances will be held on-site at ASHK.
Inspired by the exhibition of Extended Figure, accomplished local choreographer Allen Lam will be together with six young graduates of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts to create a site-specific contemporary dance at ASHK premises. By using AR technology, the performance will be visually inspiring to the audiences.
Conducted in Cantonese 粵語主講
Lalan Symposium: Synaesthesia in Art and Lalan
5/29/2021│Saturday 星期六
Registration | 登記 : 10:15; Starts | 開始10:30; Close | 完結15:15
*Event will be conducted in English, with English and Mandarin Simultaneous Interpretation.
Free Admission. Registration for Morning Session and Afternoon Session.
Lalan forms the term “Spectacle” in 1971 to explain the integrated art in her performances. The merging of painting, music, and dance involves different senses that occurred at the same time. This symposium will explore Lalan’s work from this perspective, followed by a panel discussion on sensory art and two exhibition tours.
Click here for more details of Lalan Symposium: Synaesthesia in Art and Lalan
Cross-Cultural Exchange in Art
7/3/2021│Saturday 星期六
In-person registration (morning session)
10:15 Registration
10:30 Artist Conversation: Shen Wei (live stream from the US) and Dam Van Huynh
In-person registration (afternoon session)
13:45 Registration
14:00 Presentation: Lalan- Body and Hybridity, by Mr. Frank Vigneron
14:45 Responding to Lalan-Body and Hybridity, by Mr. Vigneron and Mr. Kurt Yuk Keung Chan
Free Admission. Registration required.
Born into a scholarly family in Guiyang, China, Lalan received modern Western education at a young age. After moving to Paris in the 40s, she engaged with the Parisian art community and open herself to Western culture. Yet, she never forgets her Chinese roots, which audience can experience the rich Chinese culture from her work: ink and landscape painting, qigong movement, etc.
Center around Cross Culture and Art, artists and scholars will discuss their experience on artistic experience on cross-culture, and their study on the subject.
Click here for more details of Cross-Cultural Exchange in Art
Feature Program | 特備節目
Coming Soon: Lalan Documentary Screening
The documentary showcases the inspiring life of Lalan as a painter, dancer and musician who pioneered the art form known as integrated art.
Exhibition Hashtag 展覽專用標籤: #ExtendedFigure
Plan Your Visit
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong
亞洲協會香港中心 香港金鐘正義道九號