Beyond Motion and Stillness 遊歷於動與靜之外
VIEW EVENT DETAILSExtended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan│延綿之軀:謝景蘭藝術展
Dance Performance│舞蹈演出
Friday-Saturday, May 22-23, 2021 │5月22- 23日,星期六、日
Starts 17:30; Close 18:15│開始 17:30; 完結18:15
Free Admission. Registration for May 22 and May 23.
Taking the inspirations of Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan, and the landscape of Asia Society Hong Kong Center premises, Beyond Motion & Stillness, retrospective of choreographer, Allen Lam’s work, explores the new way to take his personal journeys in the past into a higher ground. The performance was devised and performed by six young dancers, they express their sensations through physical movement wandering in the nature and man-made environment of the premises, leading the audience to a journey between the past and the future.
The Augmented Reality technology is used to connect the reality and virtual reality, and bring a new viewing experience to audience.
Choreographer │ 編舞
Allen Lam is an accomplished choreographer and performer with a broad reaching talent covering classical ballet, contemporary and experimental dance. He is a graduate of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and received an MFA at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He has performed with several major dance companies in Hong Kong and the United States, including Hong Kong Ballet and ODC, San Francisco. Allen has received the Hong Kong Dance Awards for organizing theatre and educational dance projects in 2005 and 2014. As a Choreographer, Allen was co-founder of DanceArt Hong Kong in 1995, he also received the Asia Cultural Council Fellowship to conduct dance research programs in New York in the same year. In 2004, Allen founded Muse Motion where he continues to produce outstanding works in collaboration with visual artists, musicians, theatre director, actors and dancers from different cultural backgrounds.
資深編舞家和舞者林偉源對舞蹈藝術涉獵甚廣,由古典芭蕾、現代舞到實驗舞蹈均能輕鬆駕馭。他畢業自香港演藝學院,其後於紐約大學帝勢藝術學院修畢碩士課程。他曾於香港及美國多個主要舞團演出,包括香港芭蕾舞團及三藩巿ODC 現代舞團。他在2005 及2014 年策劃舞蹈劇場和教育計劃,贏得香港舞蹈年獎的榮譽。1995 年,林偉源為「動藝」創辦人之一,同年獲亞洲文化協會獎學金,赴美國紐約進行交流研究。2004 年創立「妙思舞動」,積極跟來自不同藝術媒體及文化背景的藝術家聯合創作,繼續為廣大觀眾呈獻出色的舞蹈作品。