Photos — Asia Society's Dazzling Asia in America: Celebration of the Arts
Kikka Hanazawa, Phil Kaye, Chandrika Tandon, Naeem Khan, Mohsen Namjoo, and Vikas Khanna pose at the Asia Society Asia in America party. (Ellen Wallop/Asia Society)
Ellen Wallop/Asia Society
On a beautiful spring night in Manhattan, Asia Society hosted a dazzling celebration of trailblazing Asians and Asian Americans in arts and culture that featured virtual reality, live music, and dancing. Honored guests included fashion designer Peter Som, chef and restaurateur Vikas Khanna, and many more. Over 700 guests in attendance were treated to spoken word poetry by Phil Kaye, live music by Mohsen Namjoo, entertainment by DJ Satoshi Tomiie, and a special performance by the one and only LaWhore Vagistan.

Iranian singer-songwriter and honored guest Mohsen Namjoo tunes his setar before his performance. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)

A guest enjoys the interactive VR three-dimensional art-making experience provided by Hubneo. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)

Fashion designer and honored guest Peter Som with friends. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)

Takeru Kobayashi and Maggie James and friends pose for a photo. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)

Guests stop to appreciate the art. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)

Guests enjoying themselves at Asia in America: Celebration of the Arts. (Casey Kelbaugh/Asia Society)
LaWhore Vagistan performs "Sari," set to a Justin Bieber tune, for a packed crowd. (Ellen Wallop/Asia Society)
Friends pose for a photo. (Ellen Wallop/Asia Society)
Satoshi Tomiie brings down the house with a full DJ set. (Ellen Wallop/Asia Society)
Japanese-American poet and honored guest Phil Kaye electrifies the audience with one of his poems. (Ellen Wallop/Asia Society)