Japan's Military Build-Up: A Threat To Regional Stability?
An Oxford Debate between four stellar experts
Japan plans to double its military budget by 2027, in a response to the changing security environment in East Asia.
In this bonus episode of STATE OF ASIA, listen to four experts debate whether Japan's military build-up is a threat to regional stability. They participated in an Oxford Debate on May 9, 2023, organised by Asia Society Switzerland. Presenting clear-cut, time-constrained, well-thought-out arguments are:
- John Delury, professor of Chinese Studies at Yonsei University in Seoul
- Lionel Fetton, assistant professor of International Relations at Webster University in Geneva
- Yuka Koshino, research fellow for Security and Technology Policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London
- Ken Moriyasu, diplomatic correspondent at Nikkei Asia in Tokyo
Watch the entire debate, and learn more about the speakers, on our website.
Our Oxford Debate series offers insights into complex issues, presented in short and clear arguments. Find all the debates here.
Season 4, bonus episode 1 – published May 16, 2023.
Host/Producer: Remko Tanis, Programs and Editorial Manager, Asia Society Switzerland
Find previous and future episodes here, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or search for 'State of Asia' in any other podcast app.