The Media, which includes media outlets and journalists, covers infrastructure projects and other Chinese overseas investments in BRI host countries. In addition to publishing digital and print editions, mainstream media outlets may maintain social media accounts. Media outlets and journalists could operate internationally or report on the news for a specific village.
Possible Roles and Responsibilities of the Media:
- Conduct investigative research within the project area of influence.
- Write about the views and experiences of affected people and other stakeholders following interviews — either on or off the record.
- Monitor BRI-related policy developments in China, the host country, and other countries around the world.
- Gather tips via email, phone, fax, or social media accounts.
- Disseminate project-related information from subcontractors, contractors, developers, financiers, and the host country government.
- Publish articles on the status of activities, laws, regulations, and guidelines related to the BRI.