HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values

HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values exhibition will be open to public from October 30th onwards.
展覽 HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values 將於10月30日起對公眾開放。
Oct 29 | 10月29日
HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values Opening Event (Invitation only|僅限受邀者)
Oct 29 | 10月29日
HKACT! Act 12 VoV: HKRUNWAY (Invitation only|僅限受邀者)
Oct 30 - Nov30|10月30日至11月30日
Gallery open to the public, Tue - Sun 11am - 6pm
Free Admission to the Gallery | 藝術館免費入場,不必預約
Nov 28 | 11月28日
HKACT! Act 13 Symposium
9.30am - 7pm
Register here | 按此登記
Osage Art Foundation announces the opening of HKACT! Acts 11-13, as part of its HKACT! (Hong Kong Art Culture and Technological Innovation) platform. The Acts 11 – 13 projects extend from neuro-design, artificial intelligence (AI) to symposiums and art installation, and looks to both the virtual space and physical reality in the fashion show for a greater engagement with the public. In their ambitious turn to the integration and confrontation of all artistic disciplines with technology as both artist and medium, HKACT! Acts 11-13 suggests that a pivotal moment in our own societies and cultural production merits a similarly all-encompassing artistic statement.
The exhibition HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values presents new media artist Maurice Benayoun’s latest development in his pioneering neuro-design blockchain-based art project, Value of Values (VoV).
Human Values such as LOVE, POWER, PEACE, KNOWLEDGE, are human abstractions, which live in the mind. If making art is giving shape to ideas, one can shape human values directly from their mind. Controlling the form just by thinking. Each human value can be considered as a dynamic living form. Its ecosystem is the human mind. Like Nature assessing the evolution of living forms, through EEG (Electro Encephalography) it can assess forms and their relevance in representing abstractions and values.
The generated forms become NFT on the Blockchain, opening the path for new market forces that drive the trade of Human Values. From Sublimation to Reification, artworks penetrate strata of human activities that were out of the artist’s reach. Ethics, Finance, Politics, Philosophy become the new playground for artist at the world level. In the curatorial process involved in AI generated Art, the artist steps back from the position of designing concepts, it uses new tools that, in the like of paint-tubes, become concept-tubes or rhetoric-tubes. Curating variations to orient evolution of constantly evolving shapes may have become the new present of the artist’s practice.
奧沙藝術基金宣布HKACT! Acts 11-13 開幕,作為其 HKACT!(Hong Kong Art Culture and Technological Innovation 香港藝術文化及科技創新)平台的一部分。Acts 11 - 13 項目從神經設計、人工智能 (AI) 延伸到研討會和藝術裝置,並著眼於時裝秀中的虛 擬空間和物理現實,以更好地與公眾互動。在項目雄心勃勃地轉向所有藝術學科與藝術家和藝術媒介科技的整合和對抗中,HKACT! Acts 11-13提出我們社會和文化生產的關鍵時刻同樣值得一個類似的、包羅萬象的藝術陳述。
展覽 HKACT! Act 11 VoV: Morphogenesis of Values 展示了新媒體藝術家莫奔(Maurice Benayoun) 最新藝術項目發展,開創性地以腦神經設計為基礎的區塊鏈 - Value of Values (VoV) 。
人類價值,如愛、權力、和平、知識,是人類的抽象概念,它們存在於大腦中。如果創作藝 術是在塑造思想,那麼人們可以直接從他們的思想中塑造人類價值。每一種人類價值都可以被視為一種動態的生活形式。它的生態系統是人類的思想。就像大自然評估生命形式的進化一樣,通過腦電圖 (EGG)評估其形式及相關代表的抽象概念和價值。
腦電圖生成的形態成為區塊鏈上的 NFT,為推動人類價值交易的新市場力量開闢了道路。 從昇華到物化,藝術作品滲透到藝術家無法觸及的人類活動層面。道德、金融、政治、哲學成為全球藝術家的新遊樂場。在人工智能產生藝術的策展過程中,藝術家從設計概念的位置上後退一步,使用新的工具,就像顏料管一樣,變成了”概念管”或”修辭管”。策展不斷演變的形態及所衍生的多樣化可能已成為藝術家實踐的新現象。
Maurice Benayoun (aka MoBen, 莫奔) is a pioneering and prominent figure in the field of New Media Art. His works freely explore media boundaries from virtual reality to large-scale public art installations on a socio-political perspective. MoBen’s works have been widely awarded (Golden Nica Ars Electronica 1998 and more than 25 international awards) and exhibited in major international museums (2 solo shows at Centre Pompidou Paris), biennials and festivals in 26 different countries. Some of his representative works include The Tunnel under the Atlantic (VR, 1995), World Skin a Photo Safari in the Land of War (VR, 1997), the Mechanics of Emotions (2005-2014), and Cosmopolis (VR, 2005). In 2012, MoBen was employed by City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and moved to Hong Kong from Paris as a permanent citizen.
莫奔 (Maurice Benayoun,別名MoBen)是新媒體藝術領域的先驅和重要藝術家。他的作品從虛擬現實到大型公共藝術裝置,從社會政治的角度探索媒體的邊界。莫奔的作品被廣泛授予獎項(包括1998年Ars Electronica Festival 的Golden Nica大獎和超過25個國際獎項),並在26個不同國家的主要國際博物館(在巴黎蓬皮杜中心舉辦了兩次個人展覽)、雙年展和藝術節中展出。他的一些代表作品包括《大西洋下的隧道》(虛擬現實、1995年)、《世界皮膚》(World Skin a Photo Safari in the Land of War)(虛擬現實、1997年)、《情感的力學》(2005-2014年)和《宇宙城》(虛擬現實、2005年)。

Artist's Tour Date and Time
藝術家導賞團日期, 時間
19 Nov (Sat) 11:30 - 13:00
20 Nov (Sun) 16:30 - 18:00
26 Nov (Sat) 16:30 - 18:00
27 Nov (Sun) 16:30 - 18:00
Artist's Tour for Group Booking (minimum 10 pax)
藝術家導賞團團體報名 (至少10人)
16 Nov (Wed) 15:00 - 16:30
23 Nov (Wed) 15:00 - 16:30
Language 語言
English 英文
Register Link 報名連結…
Exhibition Period
October 30 2022 - Nov 30 2022
Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine
9 Justice Drive Admiralty, Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Tuesdays-Sundays: 11am-6pm
Closed on Mondays
Last admission 30 minutes before closing
Special Opening Hours
Nov 24: 11am - 5pm
10月30日 - 11月30日
11月24曰: 上午11時 - 下午5時
Multiple Futures of Art and Technology |藝術與科技的多重未來

A full-day symposium which focus on art, philosophy and technology. Nine speakers are invited, including scholars and artists, from Europe, the Americas and Asia.
Nov 28 | 11月28日
9.30 am – 7pm |上午9時半至下午7時
Venue | 場地
Miller Theater (Full)/ Online Live Streaming (via Zoom)
麥禮賢劇場 (已滿)/ 線上直播 (Zoom)
Language | 語言
English 英文
Register Here | 按此登記
Rundown and speakers' abstracts|講者概述摘要和節目流程 >> HERE
Globalisation has meant, historically, a process of neutralization through economic and technological means by conquering land, sea and air. The invention and proliferation of digital technologies in the second half of the 20th century has accelerated this process. Digital technology has become the most pervasive and ubiquitous medium now indispensable to everyday life. Both the state and capitalism demand and produce techno-social subjects – who are consumers, but not citizens. We recognize that technology is not neutral. It is a new regime of discipline and containment based on computation, which has brought us convenience as well as platform capitalism, enforced surveillance and mass data extraction.
As a way to counter this homogenization, we have to imagine a new form of globalisation, to imagine a techno-diversity or multiple cosmo-technics, by resolving the antinomy of the universality of technology. To include people in different localities to participate in the production and sharing of knowledge, and allowing them to actively appropriate technology instead of being reduced to mere consumers. This is essential to maintaining a local heterogeneity as well as politicizing the innovation and employment of technology, which allows us to resist against a homogenization assumed by capitalist logic and the technocratic.
To bring forward a new phase of globalization means going beyond the previous unilateral process of globalization and the technological dystopia accompanied with it. It requires rediscovering and inventing new configurations between cultures and technologies, tradition and modernism, east and west. It is a call that not only addresses politologists but scholars in art and humanities, as well as those in engineering and sciences. It demands a re-evaluation of the limits and potential of the current algorithmic culture and its algorithmic governmentality from new perspectives.
This Symposium invites scholars and artists to conceive such possibilities by reflecting on the conceptual and practical contributions from both the East and the West. We hope this will contribute in overcoming the universalist and homogeneous idea of technology, which impoverishes our capacity to think and act.
從歷史上看,全球化意味著通過經濟和技術手段征服陸地、海洋和空中,實現中和的過程。20 世紀下半葉數碼科技的發明和擴散加速了這一進程,中美關係就證明了這一點。與此同時,數碼科技已成為日常生活中不可或缺的最普遍和無處不在的媒介。國家和資本主義都需要並生產技術社會主體——是消費者,但不是公民。眾所周知,技術不是中立的。它是一種基於計算的新的紀律和遏制制度,它給我們帶來了便利,也帶來了平台資本主義、強制監視和海量數據提取。
9.20am | Registration 入場 |
9.40am | Lev Manovich (U.S. 美國) |
10.10am | Ronaldo Lemos (Brazil 巴西) |
10.40am | Discussion 討論 by Charles Merewether |
11.10am | Maurice Benayoun (Hong Kong 香港 / France 法國) |
11.40am | Jeffrey Shaw (Hong Kong 香港 /Australia 澳洲) |
12.10am | Discussion 討論 by Charles Merewether |
12.40am | General Discussion 總體討論 |
1pm - 2.50pm | Lunch Break 午休 |
2.50pm | Registration 入場 |
3pm | Hidetaka Ishida (Japan 日本) |
3.30pm | Scott Lash (U.S. 美國 / U.K. 英國) |
4pm | Discussion 討論 by Yuk Hui |
4.45pm | Primavera De Filippi (France 法國) |
5.15pm | Yuk Hui (Hong Kong 香港) |
5.45pm | Discussion 討論 by Yuk Hui |
6.30pm | General Discussion 總體討論 |
6.55pm | Closing Remarks 結語 |
7.00pm | Close 完結 |
Organized by | 主辦機構
Osage Art Foundation 奧沙藝術基金
Project Grant | 項目計劃資助
Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme 藝能發展資助計劃
HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府
Supported by | 支持機構
Asia Society Hong Kong Center 亞洲協會香港中心
U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau 美國駐香港及澳門總領事館
The content of these programmes does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Plan Your Visit
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong
亞洲協會香港中心 香港金鐘正義道九號