Visioning in the Dark
VIEW EVENT DETAILSPicturing Asia: Double Take Education Offerings
Exhibition tour and photographers sharing session
The Program
Visually impaired (VI) persons might not able to see very well, but their disability allows them to feel the world with other senses and picture it with their own unique perspective. This pilot program tried to break the boundaries of photography, and allowed VI persons and sighted photographers to work together to shoot and sequence photos on site at Asia Society Hong Kong Center.
Apart from enabling VI persons to explore their artistry through photography, the program also provided an opportunity for sighted people to learn how VI perosns see the world. With the special sensibility of VI persons and the knowledge of sighted photographers, a series of unique photographs was created.
Through this collaboration, both the VI participants and sighted photographers have gained a new experience and definition of visioning. By being invited to feel, sense and understand their surroundings in a different way, the participants were able to get new inspirations for art creations and their lives.
Exhibition at JCCAC
An exhibition showcasing photographic works created from the program will be on view at the 4th Hong Kong International Photo Festival at JCCAC. Each participating team has selected their best photos that represent their vision of photography and themselves. The exhibition runs from October 29 to November 16, 2016 at JCCAC. All photos on show at the exhibition are printed by Epson.
On November 6, 2016, the participating photographers will gather once again to share their experiences from the program. The story behind each photograph will also be revealed.
Click here to learn more about the 4th Hong Kong International Photo Festival.
Photographers: Oswald Cheung, Dennis Fung, Lau Kwok Tim, Bobby Lee, Dick Lau, Bowman Poon, Monica Tam.
Special thanks:
- All cameras and lenses used in this program were sponsored by Phase One
- Printing and projection of all works on view at the exhibition are sponsored by Epson.
- Disability awareness training for all the participants was provided in-kind by the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK).
The photographer, Bobby Lee, is the consultant of the program.
影‧亞洲 教育項目
黑暗中的影像 — 展覽導賞團及攝影師分享會
11月6日(星期日)2:30 – 3:30 pm
(L5 共用空間 A及B)
免費入場 不設預先登記
攝影師: 張正岡、馮志毅、劉國添、李民耀、劉天麟、潘昭仁、譚凱恩。
- Phase One贊助攝影器材,及提供工作室進行相片編輯和後期工作。
- Epson 贊助展覽相片印刷及投影機。
- 展能藝術中心為攝影師提供工作坊和基本口述影像培訓。