Report Launch: Australia-Japan Local Government Collaboration
On August 7, 1963, Lismore City Council (Australia) and Yamatotakada (Japan) established the first Australia-Japan sister city relationship. In 2023 there are now over 100 additional Australia-Japan sister cities and inter-city links operating. Sister-city partnerships are important grassroots, people-to-people platforms that continue to play a pivotal role, strengthening and enriching relationships between local governments and communities in both Australia and Japan.
We invite you to join us on Friday 18 August, in partnership with RMIT University, as we launch the report: Australia-Japan Local Government Collaboration: Enriching Communities Through International Engagement. The research was sponsored by the Australia-Japan Foundation, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia and investigates the Australia-Japan city-to-city relationships between 2021 and 2023.
Dr. Tse Leng Tham, Professor Hiroaki Mori, Dr. Shea Fan and Professor Timothy Bartram will share key findings and insights from their report, and the report launch will be followed by remarks from Mr Junji Shimada Consul-General Japan, City of Melbourne Lord Major Sally Capp AO and the Australia-Japan Foundation.
Date: Friday, 18 August 2023
Arrival time: Registration from 10am
Report Launch: 10:30am to 12.15pm AEST
Networking Lunch: 12:15pm to 1:00pm
Venue: The Green Brain, RMIT Storey Hall, Level 7, 336 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Registration Link:…
Registration is essential. For any enquiries, please contact [email protected]
This event is in partnership with RMIT University, and supported by the Australia-Japan Foundation,