Imagine 2060: Melbourne 2018
VIEW EVENT DETAILSLessons from Asia — Towards abundant, net-zero-energy by 2060

Melbourne has been named the world’s most-liveable city for the last seven years, but this year it lost that honour. How can Melbourne reclaim its title? What important lessons can we learn from our Asian neighbours and elsewhere around the world that can help Melbourne and other Australian cities navigate their own paths towards a bright energy future?
As Asia Society Australia and AECOM enters its second year of partnership it will come together once again, this time in Melbourne, to host "Lessons from Asia — Towards abundant, net-zero-energy by 2060". Following a successful launch event in Delhi earlier this year, Imagine 2060: Delivering tomorrow’s cities together event series is coming to Melbourne. This year, Imagine 2060 considers ‘air’ and how Melbourne and other Australian cities can work with Asia to move towards zero-carbon emissions whilst simultaneously driving down the cost of energy to make it more accessible and supportive of a thriving economy.
At present, Australia has amongst the world’s highest per capita emissions. Energy is fundamental to everything that we as a society do, but Australia still has a long way to go to develop a clean, integrated and smart energy future.
We hope you will join us and other leaders in renewable energy, urban design, infrastructure and public policy to discuss a long-term, renewable-energy vision for Melbourne, Australia and Asia.
Date: Wednesday 22 August, 2018
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Drinks and canapés provided)
Venue: Zinc at Federation Square, 2 Swanston Street, Melbourne, 3000
Registration for this event is essential. For more information please contact [email protected].
Watch the video of last year's Imagine 2060 here>>
About our speakers and panellists:
Vince Perez, Chairman, Alternergy and Former Minister for Energy of the Philippines
Vince is Chairman of Alternergy and Solar Pacific, Philippine renewable power companies in wind, hydro and solar. As Philippine Energy Minister from 2001 to 2005, he promoted clean energy and crafted an ambitious renewable energy policy framework. He served briefly as Deputy Minister for Industry and was Vice-chairman of the Philippines’ Renewable Energy Board. Vince is also a trustee of WWF-China, a board member of WWF US, and a member of advisory boards of the Bhutan Foundation, Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines, New Zealand Trade Enterprise, the Pictet Clean Energy Fund, and the Yale Center for Business and Environment. He had 17 years’ experience in finance at Mellon Bank, and Lazard in London, New York and Singapore, and then founded Next Century Partners, a private equity firm in Singapore, and the Asian Conservation Company. Vince is a director of ST Telemedia, the Temasek media holding company, and of Banco de Oro, and was a director of EDC, Asia’s largest geothermal company, of Del Monte Pacific, and of Northwind, the first wind farm in Southeast Asia. Vince holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, a BS in Business Economics from the University of the Philippines, and was a Yale World Fellow where he lectured an MBA class on renewable power.
Warner Priest, Business Development Manager, Emerging Technologies, Siemens
Helen Millicer, Principal, One Planet Consulting, President, Alternative Technology Assoc.
Tony Fullelove, Program Director, Net Zero Initiative, Monash University
Our Global Initiatives programs bring together the best of our 14 centres to Australia. Convened as both stand-alone events and ongoing collaborations, Asia Society Australia combines global reach with local networks to deliver an international portfolio of programs.
Presented in partnership with AECOM.

Event Details
Zinc at Federation Square, 2 Swanston Street, Melbourne, 3000