Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)
MOFCOM formulates strategies, guidelines, and policies for trade and international economic cooperation; drafts laws and regulations for domestic and foreign trade; and oversees inbound and outbound investment, foreign economic cooperation, and foreign aid activities.
For projects over $100 million, MOFCOM must consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Ministry of Finance (MOF) before the State Council makes decisions on medium- and long-term export credit insurance.
Adapted from Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), “Mission,” accessed in 2022, View the Website; Thomas Hale, Chuyu Liu, and Johannes Urpelainen, “Belt and Road Decision-Making in China and Recipient Countries: How and to What Extent Does Sustainability Matter?,” ISEP & BSG Report, April 2020, View the PDF.
Complaint Department: [email protected]
No. 2 Dong Chang'an Avenue, Beijing, 100731, People's Republic of China
General: Ministry of Commerce, No. 2 Dong Chang'an Avenue, Beijing, 100731, People's Republic of China
Discipline Office: Discipline Office of MOFCOM, No. 2 Dong Chang'an Avenue, Beijing, 100731, People's Republic of China
General: +86 10-8509-3485
Complaint Department: +86 10-0651-98853 or +86 10-0651-98806
+86 10-5377-1311