Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank)
China Exim Bank supports China’s foreign trade, investment, and international economic cooperation for infrastructure projects. It offers concessional loans and preferential buyer’s credit, as well as non-concessional loans. Similar to the China Development Bank (CDB), it may co-issue syndicated loans with commercial banks for large infrastructure projects.
China Exim Bank provides individual and co-financing for projects in sectors including energy; transport and storage; agriculture; communications; water supply and sanitation; industry, mining, and construction; social infrastructure and services; health; debt servicing; general environmental protection; government and civil society; trade policies and regulations; education; and multisector work.
Adapted from The Export-Import Bank of China, “About the Bank,” accessed in 2022, View the Website; AidData, “AidData's Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset,” Version 2.0, 2021, View the Website.
No. 30 Fuxingmennei Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100031, People's Republic of China
Export-Import Bank of China, No. 30 Fuxingmennei Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100031, People's Republic of China
+86 10-8357-9988
+86 10-6606-0636