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Green Investment Principles (GIP) for the Belt and Road

Scope of Application

Voluntary principles for signatories, including financiers, developers, and contractors across host countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. 


Offers guiding principles to incorporate environmental and social risk management (ESRM) into strategies and decision-making processes. The Green Investment Principles (GIP) Secretariat also works with partners and signatories to provide additional guidance, tools, and training programs to further the adoption and implementation of these principles.

General Key Points

Financiers, Developers, and Contractors should: 

  • Embed sustainability into their corporate strategies and organizational cultures.
  • Understand environmental laws, regulations, and standards of their sectors.
  • Incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk factors into decision-making processes.
Key Points on Stakeholder Engagement

Financiers, Developers, and Contractors should: 

  • Understand the cultural and social norms of host countries.
  • Improve communication with stakeholders, including government departments, environmental protection organizations, the media, affected communities, and civil society organizations (CSOs)/nongovernmental organizations
  • Set up conflict resolution mechanisms to resolve disputes with communities, suppliers, and clients.
  • lmprove environmental or climate information disclosure.
  • Allocate funds and staff to work with multilateral organizations, research institutions, and think tanks.
Key Points on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Financiers, Developers, and Contractors should:

  • Conduct in-depth environmental and social due diligence.
  • Develop risk mitigation and management plans.
  • Conduct environmental impact assessments (EIAs) of investments and operations.
  • Explore ways to conduct environmental stress tests of investment decisions.


Senior Management of Financiers, Developers, and Contractors should: 

  • Exercise oversight of sustainability-related risks and opportunities.
  • Be aware of potential environmental and social impacts of their investments.
Applies to
November 2018
Green Finance Initiative & Green Finance Committee (GFC)
Link to Full Version(s)
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