Yoga Nidra with Singing Bowls

9:50am - Registration and Mingle
10:00am - Yoga Nidra with Singing Bowls
11:00am - End of Members' Wellness

Are you ready to hit the pause button and completely relax? Rosalie will lead you through a guided meditation accompanied by the sounds of singing bowls. The meditation is based on yoga nidra or yogic sleep. Your body relaxes, whilst you keep your mind awake and alert. In this highly receptive state, you let go of any tension, blocks, and anything else that no longer serves you. As you'll be lying down for this part of the session, you may want to bring a blanket and something to cover your eyes. You'll want to be as comfy and cozy as possible! Expect to emerge from the class feeling clearer, lighter, and deeply relaxed.
Members’ Wellness @ ASHK is provided by:

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For more enquiries, please contact 2103 9503
or email [email protected]
Event Details
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty