Christmas Tree Workshop x COVA Afternoon Tea Set

工作坊後會為大家送上優雅美味的COVA下午茶,其中包括採用優質食材的開胃菜: A3 和牛烤三明治、甜菜醃三文魚配魚子醬、迷你華夫蛋筒鵝肝慕斯,以及提拉米蘇、泡芙和直接從米蘭進口的巧克力。
參加此活動更會附送一張聖誕家庭樂入場遊戲卡 – 到賽馬會廳完成DIY手工攤位後,就可以到聖誕老人屋企換領禮物同拍照留念! 聖誕家庭樂開放時間為12月17及18日11am-6pm,可提前到訪參與。
This Christmas, join us for some festive fun while we countdown to Christmas day, bring home a self-decorated Christmas tree follow by a COVA serves classy afternoon tea, which consists of savories with premium ingredients such as A3 Wagyu Toasted Sandwich, Beet-cured Salmon with Caviar, Foie Gras Mousse in Mini Waffle Cones, as well as sweets like tiramisu, profiteroles, and the trademark chocolates directly imported from Milan.
This workshop also includes 1 Community Christmas Celebration entry ticket. Visit Arts & Craft stalls in the Jockey Club Hall to collect stamps before a trip to meet the man in red himself. Upon finishing you will receive a gift from his elves and a chance for photos. Community Christmas Celebration opening on Dec 17 to 18, from 11 am to 6 pm. Families are welcomed to enter in advance.
2:00pm - 3:30pm 聖誕樹工作坊 | Christmas Tree Decoration Workshop
3:30pm - 5:00pm 享用下午茶 | Enjoy Afternoon Tea set
*本課程以粵語教授 | The course will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English
*二人一組,每班最多15組 | 2 persons a group, class size is 15 pairs max
*每組均有一棵迷你聖誕樹及一份下午茶供享用,並會附送一張聖誕家庭樂入場遊戲卡 | Each pair of participants will take home 1 Christmas Tree and enjoy 1 set of afternoon tea set together. 1 Community Christmas Arts & Craft entry ticket is also included.

COVA 於 1817 年在米蘭成立,是一家意大利的甜品店和餐廳,以其精選的甜點和傳統美食俘獲了許多食客的心。COVA 現在發展成為將傳統與新穎融為一體、精緻甜點的指標。
Founded in 1817 in Milan, COVA is a popular Italian desserterie and restaurant, capturing the hearts of many foodies with its delectable selection of confections and traditional cuisines. Over the years, COVA has evolved into the epitome of fine desserts, fusing tradition with novelty, finesse and style.
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Event Details
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong