School Reforms Around the World
Global Cities Education Network Reports
A District Vision for Equity: Strategies from Surrey Schools
by Kathleen B. Fletcher, Brian K. Eyer, and Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
System Strategies to Advance Educational Equity
by Derek L. Riley and Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
Collection of COVID-19 Education Policy Resources
Innovate, Iterate, Improve: Strategies for Developing 21st Century Competencies
by Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
Instructional Practices for Deeper Learning
by Jackie MacFarlane, Dan Aladjem, and Christina A. Russell; Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
Advancing 21st Century Competencies in East Asian Education Systems
by Kai-Ming Cheng, University of Hong Kong
Innovation and Change: Lessons from the Global Cities Education Network
by Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
System Supports for 21st Century Competencies
by Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates, Inc.
A Rosetta Stone for Noncognitive Skills: Understanding, Assessing, and Enhancing Noncognitive Skills in Primary and Secondary Education
by Richard D. Roberts, Jonathan E. Martin, and Gabriel Olaru of Professional Examination Service, in partnership with Asia Society.
Early Teacher Development: Trends and Reform Directions
by Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership for Asia Society.
Measuring 21st Century Skills: Guidance for Educators
by Jim Soland, Laura S. Hamilton, and Brian M. Stecher for Asia Society.
Improving Performance of Low-Achieving and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Developing and Sustaining a High-Quality Teacher Force
by Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at Stanford University for Asia Society.
Teaching and Learning 21st century Skills: Lessons from the Learning Sciences
by Anna Rosefsky Saavedra and V. Darleen Opfer, The RAND Corporation for Asia Society.
Equity and Quality in Education: Supporting Disadvantaged Students and Schools
by the OECD for Asia Society.
Transforming Learning in Cities: The Global Cities Education Network Inaugural Symposium
includes summaries of the background presentations during the meeting, discussions by members, and examples of best practices in Network cities for Asia Society.
International Summit on the Teaching Profession
Each spring since 2011, education ministers, master teachers, national union leaders, and education organization leaders have convened from countries with high performing and rapidly improving educational systems for an international summit on the teaching profession. The purpose of the gatherings is to identify best practices worldwide that strengthen the teaching profession and raise student achievement. Summit organizers, in collaboration with Asia Society, produce a publication each year on key lessons.
Read about the summit and review reports from each year.
Dr. Linda Darling Hammond speaks with us about how to develop and sustain a high-quality teaching force.
We hope that the reports and interviews provide knowledge and experience useful to school systems eager to create the conditions for all students to succeed in today’s interconnected world.