[Ambassador Series] Let's Talk #Korea
July 27, 2023 — Asia Society Korea boasts a network of hard-working ambassadors aspiring to make the most of their time in Korea. From ambassadors just starting out their posting to those that are settled in and getting into the thick of their diplomatic work, our foreign diplomatic community is diverse and thriving.
In the latest installment of our Ambassador Series, we gather their reflections on how Korea’s reach is extending across the globe and expanding its realm to cover more than just K-pop and K-drama. With this year being the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement, it is also interesting to see how Korea has managed to rise from the rubble and emerge as a leader of soft power in a matter of decades.
Featured ambassadors are H.E. Khaled Abdelrahman Hassan Abdelrahman of Egypt, H.E. Khalid Ebrahim Al-Hamar of Qatar, H.E. Dawn Elizabeth Bennet of New Zealand, and H.E. Michelle Winthrop of Ireland.