How Do We See Asia?
The Folsom Street Foundry hosted Global Lives Project and ASNC's Young Professionals Group (YPG) on Wednesday, June 25 for a happy hour, panel discussion and music by DJ Marky Enriquez aka Proof.
Mary Kay Magistad, East Asia correspondent for PRI's The World, led a discussion with filmmakers Ivan Jaigirdar, Executive Director at 3rd i Films, Masashi Niwano, Festival & Exhibitions Director at the Center for Asian American Media, and Naomi Ture of Global Lives Project. Their conversation touched on the ways in which perspectives of Asian culture and Asian American identity have been influenced by film and media.
Seeing Asia Panel Discussion - Global Wednesday - June 25 from Global Lives Project on Vimeo.
The next YPG program is tentatively scheduled for September 2014 - stay tuned for details. For questions about ASNC's YPG, please contact Anna Castagnozzi Bush at abush (at)
ASNC's YPG is an association of young professionals who share a strong interest in Asia. Its members are talented, savvy, and globally-minded future leaders in their twenties and thirties. Membership in the ASYPG is only $45 a year. Benefits include free or discounted admission to all of Asia Society Northern California’s year-round programs and invitations to members-only programs. In addition, ASYPG members enjoy the benefits of connecting with fellow like-minded professionals and leaders, building professional and personal networks, and sharing ideas.
The Global Lives Project is a video library of life experience, designed to cultivate empathy across cultures. We curate an ever-expanding collection of films that faithfully capture 24 continuous hours in the lives of individuals from around the world. We explore the diversity of human experience through the medium of video, and encourage discussion, reflection, and inquiry about the wide variety of cultures, ethnicities, languages, and religions on this planet. Our goal is to foster empathy and cross-cultural understanding.