Young Leaders

The Asia Society Northern California Young Professionals Group connects young, globally-minded individuals in the Bay Area to foster innovation and progress. The Young Professional Group is a special tier of Asia Society Northern California membership that connects globally-minded leaders, aged 21 to 39, with programs and events specifically tailored for young professionals in the Bay Area.
YPG members build professional relationships, networks, and exchange ideas. Programs and events are designed to reflect the interests of young professionals through art exhibitions, performances, films, lectures, panel discussions, and conferences.
Young Professionals Group Membership $65 / $105
100% tax-deductible
- Benefits for one or two adults
- Member rate for all programs and events
- Invitations to pre-program receptions to meet speakers and performers
- Exclusive access to members-only events
- Guest passes to standard Asia Society programs
- 24 hours advance notice to popular programs
- Discounted tickets to conferences and premium Asia Society events
- Discounted tickets to our Annual Dinner
- 10% discount at AsiaStore
- Unlimited free access to the Asia Society Museum in New York City
As an Asia Society Northern California Young Professionals Group Member, you are invited to a variety of multicultural events.
Recent events have included:
- Travel With A Purpose: Working in a Changing China
- Asia Society YPG and Japan Society YPG Happy Hour at 83 Proof
- Above the Drowning Sea
- Undiscovered Japan: Presentations and Reception
- Young Professionals Group Thai Floating Market Dinner