Haiyun Lu's 6th-11th Grade Novice Chinese Class — A MovieTalk Lesson
TEQ Instructional Videos for Chinese Language Teachers
Chinese language teacher Haiyun Lu, who teaches at the University School of Milwaukee in Wisconsin, used quite a few strategies to adapt MovieTalk for her novice class.
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Classroom Video
In this video, we will watch a novice Chinese class with students from grades 6 to 11 from the University School of Milwaukee, an Asia Society Partner school, in Wisconsin. During this lesson, the teacher, Haiyun Lu, has used quite a few strategies to adapt MovieTalk for her novice class. MovieTalk is a technique for language learning developed by Dr. Ashley Hastings. It is a great way for a teacher to provide comprehensible input when introducing new words and sentences. The teacher chose an online video clip about a baby and his daddy to teach how to make an offer and decline an offer in target language. It engaged the students to make meaning as the teacher described the video images. As evidence of learning, students were required to retell the story and write descriptions of the pictures in the story.
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