Wednesday, November 4, 2015
10:00—4:00pm Site Visits (invitation-only)
The Power of Innovation
Silicon Valley has enjoyed its exalted status as one of the most innovative regions in the world for years. It is also the world’s best-known example of an ecosystem of businesses, inventers, investors, and policymakers that has worked together to create an alchemy of innovation and economic growth. Entrepreneurs from across the world, including China, are drawn to the many opportunities the Valley provides and its brand is distinctly American. What is at the core of Silicon Valley’s appeal and is it indeed a uniquely American phenomenon? How has Silicon Valley’s unique ecosystem of venture capital and private equity funding, as well as public-private partnerships, help to make the region the innovation capital of the world? How is China’s financial and political climate adapting to support innovation at firms and among entrepreneurs, and what future reforms are necessary?
Tom Nagorski, Executive Vice President, Asia Society (Moderator)
Orville Schell, Arthur Ross Director, Center on U.S.-China Relations, Asia Society
Jim Wunderman, President and CEO, Bay Area Council
Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Global Institute
Kim Walesh, Chief Strategist, City of San Jose
Thursday, November 5, 2015
8:45am Dialogue 1
The Building Blocks of Innovation
Innovation means far more than “disruptive” technologies that revolutionize industries (e.g., the microchip, smart phones). It also refers to incremental adaptations that improve existing technologies, business models, or distribution systems. While contemporary China has produced few disruptive technologies to date, it has excelled in the process innovations that the U.S.’s product innovation depends on for manufacturing and distribution. What are the building blocks to innovation and how do we define innovation comprehensively? How has China performed in providing the right ingredients towards building an innovation-driven economy and what are its future prospects—for innovation both incremental and disruptive—and for entrepreneurs who can drive both? What sectors provide the greatest opportunities for collaboration between U.S. and Chinese firms (e.g. energy efficiency, healthcare, media and entertainment)?
Richard Dasher, Director, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University
Anil K. Gupta, Michael Dingham Chair in Strategy, Globalization & Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland at College Park
James McGregor, Chairman, APCO Worldwide China (Moderator)
Wilhelm Oehl, Principal, Eight Inc.
Wang Zhen, Vice President, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
10:15am Coffee Break
10:30am Dialogue 2
Educating For Innovation And Entrepreneurship
Many critics say that China’s educational system has overly focused on rote learning at the expense of critical thinking, but others point to Shanghai’s world-topping PISA rankings and say the system is now encouraging greater freedom of expression, willingness to take risks, and problem-solving skills. What are China’s schools doing to train tomorrow’s innovators and entrepreneurs? How are school districts in China and the West working together to share and develop best practices? What partnership opportunities exist for the private sector, both Chinese and international?
Karen Cator, President and CEO, Digital Promise
Robin Goldberg, Chief Experience Officer, Minerva
Leslie Hook, San Francisco Correspondent, Financial Times (Moderator)
Anthony Jackson, Vice President of Education, Asia Society
Caroline Winnett, Executive Director, SkyDeck Berkeley
12:00pm Lunch and Networking
1:15pm Dialogue 3
Barriers to Innovation
Innovation cannot flourish without basic rules and regulations that protect intellectual property (IP), preserve open access to information, and ensure reliable and secure platforms for peer-to-peer exchange. What are China and the U.S. doing to ensure both domestic and foreign firms are able to operate and conduct business confidently? What practical strategies are being put in place to protect business from these challenges while not creating new barriers to innovation?
Duncan Clark, Chairman, BDA
Wang Wei, Vice Chairman, THT
Ken Wilcox, Emeritus Chairman, Silicon Valley Bank
2:45pm Closing Remarks