Conference Presentations: NCLC 2015
Leaders in the field of Chinese language education describe key lessons they have learned while developing and administering Chinese language programs and ways that states, districts, and initiatives can leverage resources to build strong programs and exciting opportunities for students. CELIN staff organized four sessions at the 2015 National Chinese Language Conference in Atlanta, GA, and the following are the presentations and videos from these sessions.
I Love Chinese Early Language and Immersion Programs, But I Have Tons of Questions: A Workshop for Program Administrators
This workshop was designed for education and business leaders seeking to establish, sustain, or improve a Chinese early language or immersion program as an independent school, charter school, or school within a program. Experts working in these contexts presented on key components of program establishment and sustainability.
Introduction to CELIN
Shuhan Wang, Project Director, CELIN, and Joy Kreeft Peyton, Senior Project Associate, CELIN
Vision, mission, and development of CELIN; CELIN’s online directory of immersion and early language learning programs; resources from CELIN; and ways that stakeholders can get involved through the website, newsletter, conferences, and meetings. Slides
The ABCs of Starting and Managing a Nonprofit
Peggy Sharkey, The G.L.O.B.E. School, Saratoga Springs, NY
Ways that educators can build infrastructure to develop strong, sustainable programs across a state through careful planning and effective collaboration. Slides
Yinghua Academy: An Immersion Full Meal Deal!
Susan Berg and Luyi Lien, Yinghua Academy, Minneapolis, MN
Key ingredients for success in a Grade K-8 charter school that has seen tremendous growth since it opened in 2006 and has won many awards. Slides and Video
Managing a Grade K-6 Chinese Language Program With Complex Components
Edward Park, Barnard Elementary School, Asian Pacific Language Academy, San Diego Unified School District, San Diego, CA
Ways that a program that was about to close in 2007 was turned around to become a strong 50/50 Grade K-6 immersion school, which has raised student achievement and won many awards. Slides
Integrating Chinese and English and Developing Whole-School Buy-in
Jeffrey Bissell, Chinese American International School (CAIS), San Francisco, CA
A curriculum framework for Grades PreK-8 that integrates English and Chinese instruction in a 50/50 immersion model with balanced language and content learning. Slides
Building a School/University Partnership
Pearl Zao He You, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School, and Robin Harvey, New York University
Key features of a school/university collaboration in which university students in a teacher preparation program and dual language school administrators, teachers, and students benefit from each other’s contributions. Slides
Supporting State Immersion Initiatives
Christine Alois, Cesar Rodney School District, DE
Ways to start and sustain strong immersion programs within a state, with the types and levels of support needed from all stakeholders (focused on Delaware). Slides
Voices and Perspectives of Chinese Immersion Program Coordinators
Chinese immersion program coordinators often stay behind the scenes, but they play a critical role in the program, whether to help with program start up or to expand its scope and improve its quality. In the school, they may be the co-designers, communicators, progress monitors, and coordinators. For teachers, they may be coaches, professional development providers, spokespersons, or cultural mentors. For parents, they may serve as resources and advocates. Three program coordinators who work at the state and district levels drew on their experiences to share valuable insights and lessons learned in helping Chinese immersion programs achieve high standards and grow. Slides
The Roles of a Coordinator in Chinese Language and Immersion Programs at Prince George County Public Schools, Maryland
Ruby Costea, Paint Branch Elementary School Chinese Immersion Program and Prince George’s County Public Schools, Maryland. Slides
Functions of a Chinese Immersion Program Coordinator in Utah
De He, Hanban Chinese Guest Teacher Advisor and Utah Chinese Dual Language Immersion Coordinator. Slides
The Critical Role of a Chinese Instructional Specialist in the Delaware Chinese Language Immersion Initiative
Dr. Xiao Liu, Delaware Department of Education. Slides
Focus on High-Quality Instruction
Delivering high-quality instruction should be a priority in any Chinese immersion classroom. High-quality instruction keeps students engaged and motivated, supports classroom management, and sharpens students’ cognitive skills, while developing Chinese language proficiency and cultural knowledge of students. Slides
Maximizing Proficiency Outcomes in an Immersion Classroom
Shen Yin, Chinese immersion teacher, Portland Public Schools, Oregon
A veteran Chinese immersion teacher and curriculum specialist of 16 years shared her experiences and effective strategies, materials, and resources that she has developed over the years. Slides
Creating and Sustaining Effective K-12 Study Abroad Experiences for Immersion Students
This presentation describes the benefits of and opportunities to participate in study abroad for students in grades K-12, particularly those in middle school. After a brief video showing the study abroad experience of a group of grade students in China, research on the benefits and challenges of study abroad is reviewed, two study abroad programs are featured, and opportunities for cross-program collaboration are discussed. Slides
The Study Abroad Experience
David Kojo Hakam, Portland Public Schools
Video of grade 8 students from the Portland Public Schools Chinese immersion program in Suzhou, China, the sister city of Portland Public Schools.
Interest in and Research on Study Abroad
Joy Kreeft Peyton, CELIN @ Asia Society
Joy discusses growing interest in study abroad in middle and high school; research on the benefits and challenges of the study abroad experience, with references and resources; and profiles of study abroad programs on CELIN section of China Learning Initiatives.
Study Abroad in Portland Public Schools
David Kojo Hakam, Portland Public Schools, Portland, Oregon
In this brief video, Kojo describes key features of the study abroad program in Portland: curriculum design, partnerships with a sister school, experiential learning, and capstone projects Study Abroad at Washington Yu Ying and Opportunities for Collaboration.
Study Abroad at Washington Yu Ying and Opportunities for Collaboration
Jonathan Henry, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School, Washington, DC
Jonathan describes the grade 5 study abroad experience at Washington Yu Ying and ways that leaders in study abroad programs can collaborate to develop and promote effective programs, seek funding for programs, and address challenges. Slides