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A Return to Offices? Comparing Approaches in Asia and the U.S.
LOS ANGELES, June 28, 2022 — In the sixth event of Asia Society Southern California's U.S.-Asia Real Estate Initiative series, an expert panel compares Asia and U.S. approaches to returning to the office amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants include Lindsay Dunn, executive vice president of City National Bank; Michael Kenderes, vice president of Real Estate at McKinsey & Company; and James Macdonald, head of China Research at Savills. This discussion is followed by a fireside chat with Shui On Group's founder Vincent Lo who provides his insight on the topic from the perspective of both mainland China and Hong Kong. Richard Green, director of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate, moderates both conversations. Adriel Chan, vice-chair of Hang Lung Group, provides welcome remarks. (1 hr., 24 min.)