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[NCLC 2023] You’re Here: Now What? Reigniting the Spark and Reinvigorating Your Career
NEW YORK, April 28, 2003 — In the first workshop of the National Chinese Language Conference 2023, a panel of veteran field leaders shares ways that inspire and help participants identify personal strengths, skills, and potential paths to leadership. Speakers include Ying Jin, teacher of Chinese language and culture at Fremont Union High School District, California; Yuezhou Jin, teacher of Chinese language at New Utrecht High School, New York; Lynn Lin, teacher of modern and classical languages at Friends Seminary, New York; Frank Lixing Tang, director of the Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT) project at NYU Steinhardt School; and Michèle Braud, world languages specialist at Louisiana Department of Education. Robin Harvey, clinical associate professor at New York University, moderated the discussion. (58 min., 35 sec.)