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[NCLC 2023] Perspectives From the Trenches: The State of Chinese Education in 2023
NEW YORK, April 28, 2003 — In the third plenary session of the National Chinese Language Conference 2023, a panel of educators discusses Chinese programs in their local contexts and shares insights on how they keep up with the current challenges. Speakers include Chris Livaccari, head of Presidio Knolls School, California; Tim Shaw, former principal at Forest Hills Public Schools, Michigan; Zhongqi Shi, senior lecturer of Chinese Program at East Asian Languages and Cultures of Columbia University, New York; and Wenjing Xie, founder and president of CLTA-AZ and DLI program coach at Tarwater Elementary School, Arizona. Shuhan Wang, senior advisor for Asia Society Chinese Language Education, moderated the discussion. (57 min., 24 sec.)