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Assessing Green Hydrogen Market Opportunities in Asia and India
NEW DELHI, April 12, 2024 — Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) and ASPI Delhi launch the report Green Hydrogen for Decarbonizing Asia’s Industrial Giants, which focuses on the market potential of electrolyzers as a vital technology to meet net zero and industrial decarbonization goals. ASPI Delhi Senior Director Akshay Mathur delivers welcoming remarks, followed by a special video message from Vivek Pathak, regional chief risk officer of International Finance Corporation and member of the High-level Policy Commission on Getting Asia to Net Zero. The event also welcomes a keynote address from Shri Abhay Bakre, director general of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of India, and a report overview presentation by Dr. Ali Hasanbeigi, CEO of Global Efficiency Intelligence. Panel speakers include Deepak Yadav of CEEW, Charith Konda of IEEFA, and Sujit Kumar Jena of the G20 Sherpa Office. ASPI Associate Director of Climate Kate Logan moderates the discussion and program. (1 hr., 30 min.)