Case Studies for Global Competence in Action
NEW YORK, January 13, 2015—Read case studies from states, cities, schools, and communities are working with Asia Society to ensure their graduates are college- and career-ready and globally competent.
In 2010, Asia Society partnered with the Ohio Department of Education through their Race to the Top grant, enabling the International Studies Schools Network (ISSN) to scale up rapidly. The following year, seven new schools joined the ISSN in urban and rural communities across the state, including Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Kenton, and other locations. In addition, six school districts across Ohio have Chinese language programs that are part of Asia Society’s Confucius Classrooms Network.
Through Asia Society’s partnership with the Ohio Afterschool Network, global learning became an approved activity of the 21st Century Community Learning Center program, which the Ohio Department of Education administers as part of the largest federal funding stream for afterschool programs. Most recently, Asia Society entered into a partnership with Marion City Schools in Marion, OH to provide professional development and technical assistance to afterschool programs in the middle and high schools in the district. The Global Scholars Diploma is currently being piloted in Ohio through the GlobalEd Network of Central Ohio and the Columbus Council on World Affairs.
Colorado / Denver
Colorado is going global across a variety of Asia Society activities. The state now supports portfolios and capstones as an option when determining students’ college and career readiness, and assessing their knowledge of 21st-century skills. Understanding that a demonstration of knowledge through portfolios can be powerful way to advance global learning and to support the state’s new Colorado High School Graduation Guidelines, Asia Society worked with the Colorado Department of Education to develop a guidebook to help districts implement portfolio and capstone projects. At the city level, Asia Society collaborates directly with the district of Denver through our Global Cities Education Network (GCEN). Superintendent Tom Boasberg has participated in several GCEN meetings and reports the ideas he has developed with his talent management team around a strengthened student-teacher residency program came out of his experiences at these global meetings.
Asia Society also works directly with five schools that are part of our International Studies Schools Network. One of these schools, the Denver Center for International Studies, was recently ranked the fourth best school in the state of Colorado. Language learning is also supported in Colorado; through our Confucius Classrooms Network of model Chinese language programs, we partner directly with a school which was recently recognized as one of the top Confucius Classrooms worldwide by our partners in China.
Gig Harbor and Peninsula High Schools
Peninsula School District of Washington State
Educational Exchange: From Gig Harbor to Mudanjiang