Asia In-Depth Podcast: Surviving COVID-19

Virologist Peter Piot, photographed here in 2014, contracted COVID-19 in the spring of 2020.
Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images
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Warren Mok is a world-renowned opera singer in Hong Kong. Peter Piot is the director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. And Josette Sheeran is president and CEO of Asia Society. They are three of some 20 million people to have been sickened with the coronavirus this year.
In this episode of Asia In-Depth, we hear their personal stories of illness, recuperation, and reflection — stories that provide insight into a fickle disease that still remains little understood by the world’s scientific community. And we learn how surviving the coronavirus has brought a fresh perspective to lives of three healthy, energetic people who never imagined they'd be laid low by a virus.