China Investment Corporation (CIC) / 中国投资有限责任公司 (CIC)
CIC 力求丰富中国的外汇持有,并在可接受的风险承受能力范围内,为股东带来最大的回报。隶属于国务院,下设三个子公司:中投海外 (CIC International)、中投资本 (CIC Capital) 和中央汇金 (Central Huijin)。
Adapted from China Investment Corporation (CIC), “Overview: About CIC,” accessed in 2022, View the Website.
Beijing Headquarters: New Poly Plaza, No. 1 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100010, People's Republic of China
Hong Kong Office: 25th Floor, CITIC Tower, No. 1 Tim Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong
New York Office: 27th Floor, No. 350 Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10022, United States
Beijing Headquarters: China Investment Corporation, New Poly Plaza, No. 1 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100010, People's Republic of China
Hong Kong Office: CIC International (Hong Kong) Co., Limited, CITIC Tower, No. 1 Tim Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong
New York Office: CIC Representative Office in New York, No. 350 Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10022, United States
Beijing Headquarters: +86 10-8409-6277
Hong Kong Office: +852 3550-7000
New York Office: +1 212-230-3100
Beijing Headquarters: +86 10-8409-6277
Hong Kong Office: +852 3550-7000
New York Office: +1 212-230-3100