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Environmental Protection and Development Organization (EPDO)


EPDO 为弱势社区创造从事可持续发展自然资源管理 (NRM) 和流域管理工作的机会。实施的计划针对粮食不安全、生物多样性保护、备灾、教育不平等和社区赋权

Source(s) for Description

Adapted from Environmental Protection and Development Organization (EPDO), “About,” accessed in 2022, View the Website.

Office Address(es)

Office No. 326A, Street 103, Kbalhong village, Sangkat Pteas Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Mailing Address(es)

Environmental Protection and Development Organization, Office No. 326A, Street 103, Kbalhong village, Sangkat Pteas Prey, Pursat Town, Pursat Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Phone Number(s)

+855 052-740-644

Social Media Account(s)