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China's Foreign Aid (2014)

Scope of Application

Provisions for the Chinese Government.


Offers additional information about China's foreign aid priorities from 2010 to 2012.

General Key Points

The Chinese Government should:

  • Neither impose political conditions nor interfere in internal affairs.
  • Uphold principles of mutual respect and benefit.
  • Offer grants to help host countries build small or medium-sized social welfare projects, and fund human resources development, technical cooperation, material assistance, and emergency humanitarian aid.
  • Offer interest-free loans to help host countries construct public facilities and launch projects that could improve people's livelihood
  • Help countries build infrastructure.
  • Increase foreign assistance in environmental protection.
  • Support assistance programs initiated by multilateral development institutions.
Key Points on Stakeholder Engagement

The Chinese Government should: 

  • Help countries reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of their people through foreign aid.
    • Prioritize agriculture, education, health care, public welfare, and emergency humanitarian aid.
Applies to
July 2014
State Council
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