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Pemangku Kepentingan

Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO)


RCEDO membantu masyarakat pedesaan rentan di mana masyarakat tersebut dilibatkan dalam proyek terkait peningkatan mata pencaharian, air bersih dan sanitasi, penurunan risiko bencana, dan tata kelola yang baik.

Sumber(-sumber) Deskripsi

Adapted from Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO), “Who Are We,” accessed in 2022, View the Website.

Alamat(-alamat) Email

Banteay Meanchey: [email protected] or [email protected]
Oddar Meanchey: [email protected]

Situs Web
Alamat(-alamat) Kantor

Banteay Meanchey: Road No. 1-1/2, Sophy Village, Sangkat Kompong Svay, Krong Serei Sophorn, Banteay Meanchey Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Oddar Meanchey: Road No. 56, Phum Bory Rothabal, Krung Samraong, Oddar Meanchey Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Alamat(-alamat) Surat-menyurat

Banteay Meanchey: Rural Community and Environment Development Organization, Road No. 1-1/2, Sophy Village, Sangkat Kompong Svay, Krong Serei Sophorn, Banteay Meanchey Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Oddar Meanchey: Rural Community and Environment Development Organization, Road No. 56, Phum Bory Rothabal, Krung Samraong, Oddar Meanchey Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Nomor(-nomor) Telepon

Banteay Meanchey: +855 054-710-446
Oddar Meanchey: +855 097-918-9688

Akun(-akun) Media Sosial