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Cambodian National Research Organization (CNRO)


CNRO mendesak terwujudnya sistem keadilan yang lebih tegas untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia dan demokrasi kelompok rentan.

Sumber(-sumber) Deskripsi

Adapted from CSO Database Management System, “The Cambodian National Research Organization (CNRO),” accessed in 2022, View the Website.

Alamat(-alamat) Email
Alamat(-alamat) Kantor

Sihanoukville Office: Group 23, Village 2, Sangkat 2, Preah Sihanouk, Sihanoukville Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Phnom Penh Office: No. 49A, Street 464, Toul Tom Pong II, Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Alamat(-alamat) Surat-menyurat

Sihanoukville Office: Cambodian National Research Organization, Group 23, Village 2, Sangkat 2, Preah Sihanouk, Sihanoukville Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Phnom Penh Office: Cambodian National Research Organization, No. 49A, Street 464, Toul Tom Pong II, Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Nomor(-nomor) Telepon

+855 012-824-146
+855 012-253-887
+855 023-994-219