Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
Sebagai anggota World Bank Group, MIGA mendorong investasi lintas batas di negara berkembang dengan memberikan jaminan, khususnya berupa asuransi risiko politik dan peningkatan kredit, kepada investor dan pemberi pinjaman.
Adapted from Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), “About Us,” accessed in 2022, View the Website.
No. 1818 H Street, NW, Washington DC, 20433, United States
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, No. 1818 H Street, NW, Washington DC, 20433, United States
General Business Inquiries: +1 202-458-2538
Media and Civil Society Relations: +1 202-458-9771 or +1 202-473-9472
Legal Affairs and Claims (General Counsel): +1 202-473-5952
Claims Administration: +1 202-473-3251
Environment, Social and Integrity: +1 202-473-8645
Independent Evaluation Group: +1 202-473-9985
General Business Inquiries: +1 202-522-2630
Independent Evaluation Group: +1 202-522-3525
General Business Inquiries: +1 202-458-2538
Media and Civil Society Relations: +1 202-458-9771 or +1 202-473-9472
Legal Affairs and Claims (General Counsel): +1 202-473-5952
Claims Administration: +1 202-473-3251
Environment, Social and Integrity: +1 202-473-8645
Independent Evaluation Group: +1 202-473-9985
General Business Inquiries: +1 202-522-2630
Independent Evaluation Group: +1 202-522-3525