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Undang-undang, Kebijakan, & Pedoman

Guidance for Sustainable Natural Rubber

Scope of Application

Guidelines for companies that invest in, plant, or process natural rubber. 


Offers specific guidance to improve community engagement and environmental and social assessment and management (ESAM).

General Key Points

Rubber Companies should: 

  • Abide by host countries’ laws and regulations and respect international codes of conduct. 
Key Points on Stakeholder Engagement

Rubber Companies should: 

  • Consider and respect stakeholders’ interests, including those of authorities, local communities, workers, and both upstream and downstream companies.
    • Provide feedback to stakeholders on their social concerns and appeals.
  • Establish an information management system and communication mechanism for due diligence and responsible management to enhance collaboration with stakeholders in avoiding adverse impacts.
    • Maintain open communication with stakeholders. 
    • Formulate risk prevention measures with stakeholders. 
  • Engage with civil society organizations (CSOs)/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and affected communities through communication mechanisms and cooperative partnerships. 
  • Respect affected communities' and Indigenous peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). 
    • Avoid adverse impacts on Indigenous peoples, including their rights to land, territory, and natural resources. 
  • Minimize adverse impacts on areas of special cultural and community value. 
  • Avoid forced displacement.
    • Facilitate an agreement with relevant stakeholders on fair compensation, resettlement, and/or relocation where forced displacement cannot be avoided. 
  • Empower local communities and Indigenous peoples to participate in the projects as business partners wherever possible. 
  • Promote social and economic development in project areas and surrounding communities. 
  • Increase local employment opportunities and contribute to economic development.
Key Points on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

Rubber Companies should: 

  • Conduct risk identification and an ESIA to identify impacts and risks.
  • Prepare and implement risk management plans to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts.
    • Report risk management plans to stakeholders.
  • Identify and evaluate direct and indirect impacts on human rights.
    • Adopt appropriate precautionary measures to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts on local communities, Indigenous peoples, staff, and other stakeholders. 
  • Formulate, implement, and develop due diligence policies based on actual and potential impacts on stakeholders and sustainable development.
    • Share these policies with stakeholders. 
  • Promptly disclose decisions and activities with economic, social, and environmental impacts and reveal potential degrees of impact.
Applies to
October 2017
China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC); International Trade and Investment Program; State Forestry and Grassland Administration; and the British Department for International Development
Link to Full Version(s)