Asia Society Northern California

The Asia Society Northern California Center, established in 1998, is uniquely positioned on the edge of the Pacific and at the entrance to Silicon Valley. The Center connects the San Francisco Bay Area’s diverse local community with a wide network of global leaders and visionaries in the fields of policy, business, arts & culture, education, and technology/innovation.
Through large conferences, private Executive Roundtable briefings, panel discussions, cultural programs, and networking events and dinners, Asia Society Northern California presents timely and relevant forums for educating and engaging the public about the critical issues facing the United States, Asia, and the world.
About Asia Society Global
Founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Asia Society is the leading educational institution dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships across people, leaders, and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create a shared future.
Asia Society is a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational institution with headquarters in New York, major centers with buildings in Hong Kong and Houston, and offices in Delhi, Los Angeles, Manila, Mumbai, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Seattle, Seoul, Sydney, Washington, DC, Tokyo, and Zurich.
Our Tagline: Navigating Shared Futures
Statement of Purpose: The Asia Society’s purpose is to navigate shared futures for Asia and the world across policy, arts and culture, education, sustainability, business, and technology.
Mission Statement: The Asia Society’s purpose is to navigate shared futures for Asia and the world across policy, arts and culture, education, sustainability, business, and technology. Our mission is to foster insight, encourage engagement, elevate regional voices, inform and educate new audiences, address complex – and where necessary – contentious challenges, engage in creative problem-solving, and help deliver real solutions for the benefit of all. As a global network of centers who share a common vision, we actively collaborate with our centers and partners across Asia and the world. The Asia Society also provides its members an opportunity to become part of our global network to help shape a prosperous, sustainable, and secure future for us all.
What We Stand For: The Asia Society is dedicated to identifying future pathways for Asia and the world which enhance peace, prosperity, freedom, equality, and sustainability. We provide a platform for dialogue and encourage a diversity of views as we try to find the most effective ways forward. Mindful of cultural differences, we hold that each perspective should be heard with temperance and respect in order to enhance cross-cultural understanding. We will never shy away from the hard questions facing our world. We value collaboration with government and non-government institutions in forging common approaches to otherwise intractable problems. Ultimately, our values as a Society remain anchored in the principles of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – international covenants which have been accepted by all nations and governments across every region of the world.
How We Go About Our Work: The Asia Society seeks to reflect these values in the way in which we go about our work. We celebrate creativity, competence, courage, and excellence in developing innovative responses to real-world challenges that deliver measurable impact. We encourage a positive, supportive, and respectful working environment which rewards civility, inclusivity, collegiality, and teamwork across all our disciplines. We expect adherence to the highest ethical standards from all our staff, including honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, and prudence in the effective use of the precious resources we are given to do our work. We are committed to the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all our work and across the workplace. We have zero tolerance for any form of discrimination. We are an independent organization which has no affiliation with any government. The society takes no institutional position on individual policy challenges. The views expressed by our staff, fellows, experts, report authors, program speakers, artists, board members, and other affiliates are solely their own.
Visitor Code of Conduct
Asia Society brings together people from around the world to explore the arts, engage in cultural exchange, learn about current events and policy opportunities and challenges, and more.
During your visit, please follow instructions from Asia Society staff, who are on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
We strive to create a respectful, inclusive, safe, and courteous environment. Conduct that disrupts the normal operation of Asia Society, or that interferes with the experience of other visitors, is not permitted. Asia Society prohibits the following:
- Activities that pose any risk to the health or safety of visitors or staff, or any risk of damage to artwork, equipment, or the building.
- Harassing, threatening or disorderly behavior, including interruptions of events.
- Profane, abusive or discriminatory language or behavior.
- Making disruptive levels of noise, including the unauthorized playing of music and video, unauthorized projection of images, unauthorized performances, and sound amplification and noisemakers (except for assistive-listening devices)
- Weapons of any type or objects that could be considered dangerous to people or artwork.
- Alcoholic beverages that are not purchased on the premises.
- Hazardous materials or use of illicit substances.
- Entering any non-public area without authorization.
- Blocking egress/exits.
- Smoking, including with smokeless electronic cigarettes.
- Handling of Asia Society art or equipment.
- Inappropriate attire.
- Leafleting, signature gathering, picketing, protesting, charitable solicitations, and press conferences by visitors.
- Solicitation of business and unauthorized for-profit activity.
By visiting Asia Society, you are agreeing to comply with these policies.
Violations of the above policies may result in your being denied entry, asked to leave, and/or having your membership revoked, without reimbursement of admission or membership cost.
We thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. Please contact an Asia Society staff member, or email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.