Department of Outbound Investment and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) / 商务部对外投资和经济合作司 (MOFCOM)
对外投资和经济合作司制定和实施对外经济合作政策,支持对外直接投资(FDI) 和海外承包,对商务合作进行统计。
中央国有企业 (CSOE) 的项目、自然资源项目以及中国资金方的投资额超过一亿美元的项目必须经该司批准。地方商务主管部门可以审批其他海外项目。
Adapted from The US-China Business Council, “Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM),” accessed in 2022, View the PDF; Thomas Hale, Chuyu Liu, and Johannes Urpelainen, “Belt and Road Decision-Making in China and Recipient Countries: How and to What Extent Does Sustainability Matter?,” ISEP & BSG Report, April 2020, View the PDF.
No. 2 Dong Chang'an Avenue, Beijing, 100731, People's Republic of China
Department of Outbound Investment and Economic Cooperation, No. 2 Dong Chang'an Avenue, Beijing, 100731, People's Republic of China