“The War for Chinese Talent in America”: A Conversation with Dr. David Zweig

NEW YORK, September 5, 2024 — Author Dr. David Zweig discusses his latest book, The War for Chinese Talent in America, which documents China's aggressive attempts to gain access to U.S. technology and America's countermeasures in response. Asia Society Policy Institute Managing Director Rorry Daniels moderates the discussion on China’s need for science and technology inputs, its education and recruitment strategies for diaspora talent, the reasons scientists might risk participating in China’s technological development, and the role of the FBI’s China Initiative in closing space for bilateral science & technology cooperation. Dr. Zweig’s book is available through Columbia University Press.
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This podcast is produced by the Asia Society Policy Institute, a “think-and-do tank” working on the cutting edge of current policy trends by incorporating the best ideas from our experts and contributors into recommendations for policy makers to put these plans into practice.