Family Audio Guide Stop #32: Mountain River Jump!
Mountain River Jump! is the name of an artist group that was founded by identical twin sisters from China named Huang He and Huang Shan. The artists use a wide range of formats, such as installations, performances, and workshops, to explore communication between people and to look at connections between the past and present.
In this installation, you will notice a video playing on the screen. What do you see? Can you make out any imagery or text in the video? Here, the artists created forty-nine divination, or fortune-telling, cards. They are illustrated with traditional Chinese expressions that include animals. Each of these cards has a special meaning. Now, close your eyes for a moment. What question or thought comes to your mind? Open your eyes and try to take a photo of the video screen using a phone. Which card were you able to capture? You can find out its meaning from the list displayed on the wall. How does the card respond to the question or thought you had in mind?
Family Audio Guide #32: Mountain River Jump!
Mountain River Jump! is the name of an artist group that was founded by identical twin sisters from China named Huang He and Huang Shan. The artists use a wide range of formats, such as installations, performances, and workshops, to explore communication between people and to look at connections between the past and present.
In this installation, you will notice a video playing on the screen. What do you see? Can you make out any imagery or text in the video? Here, the artists created forty-nine divination, or fortune-telling, cards. They are illustrated with traditional Chinese expressions that include animals. Each of these cards has a special meaning. Now, close your eyes for a moment. What question or thought comes to your mind? Open your eyes and try to take a photo of the video screen using a phone. Which card were you able to capture? You can find out its meaning from the list displayed on the wall. How does the card respond to the question or thought you had in mind?