Former Secretary of Labor Credits "Strong Families, Education, and Hard Work" For Success

HOUSTON, January 21, 2016—Asia Society Texas Center hosted the Honorable Elaine L. Chao, 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor, for a discussion of her experience in public service, and the advancements made by women over the last fifty years. Secretary Chao said that ‘belief in strong families, education, and hard work has helped Asian American Immigrants.’ Taking note of increased graduation rates and a narrowing wage gap, she went on to suggest that ‘we now live in a knowledge-based economy, and women have gotten the message that education is the path to a better future.’ Chao concluded with her thoughts on leadership and success: ‘In America you find your interest,’ she said. ‘People do well because they love what they do. The challenge is finding what you love.’”
Check out photos from the event on flickr.