Community Spotlight: Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh and the University of St. Thomas Center for International Studies
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Asia Society Texas believes in the strength and beauty of diverse perspectives and people — and our work to advance cultural exchange is possible in large part thanks to the community partners with whom we've collaborated over the years. Each of these numerous organizations and individuals brings a unique background and area of expertise that, combined with their passion and generosity, help strengthen and enrich our programs, from innovative arts to energetic festivals and camps to lively panel discussions.
Through our Community Spotlights, we're excited to shine a light on some of our partners with whom we've been fortunate to collaborate over the years.
About Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh and the University of St. Thomas Center for International Studies

The University of St. Thomas (UST) Center for International Studies (CIS) prepares students for careers in public, private, and nonprofit sectors of international affairs. Asia Society Texas has a long-standing partnership with the CIS and regularly collaborates with CIS Director Eric Botts and International Studies Chair Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh to curate programs related to international policy, trade, economics, and security issues.
We routinely look to the UST CIS scholars for expertise on global affairs, and Dr. Yao is a frequent thought partner who has participated in several AST programs, including a January 2024 panel where he discussed U.S.–China relations.
How our partnership began
AST and UST share a neighborhood and have a decades-long history of collaboration. In addition to partnering with them to present programs, we frequently welcome their students as guests and interns.
What we enjoy about partnering with Dr. Yao and UST
UST CIS students have become a valuable part of AST's community, regularly attending many of our programs including the 2023 Huffington Award Luncheon honoring Ambassador Gary Locke. After hearing Ambassador Locke's conversation onstage, one UST CIS student shared this comment: "The Huffington Award Luncheon proved to be a very enriching experience for myself and my peers. As an Asian American, I think it can be hard to see ourselves represented in politics or other facets. Ambassador Locke reminds each person of our significance and the multitude of possibilities my generation has access to."
What Dr. Yao and UST enjoy about partnering with us
Dr. Yao shares: "Asia Society Texas continues to improve awareness of the Asian community in the city of Houston. As the director of Taiwan & East Asia Studies Program and Professor of International Studies at UST, I deeply appreciate our longstanding collaboration and am looking forward to continuing to work with Asia Society."
What we're looking forward to next!
We look forward to working with UST CIS staff and scholars to continue creating meaningful programs, and we always welcome UST CIS students to our upcoming programs! Currently, we look forward to Dr. Yao's lecture at our May 2 educator workshop, and we're developing a collaborative program for fall 2024.
About APAH Month at Asia Society Texas
Beginning in 2021, Asia Society Texas has celebrated Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with the Houston community and beyond through a curated calendar of events for 31 ways to celebrate over the 31 days of May. Spotlighting the traditions, talents, and contributions of Asians and Asian Americans, the calendar highlights the month's key Asia Society programming, providing a platform to showcase local artists, performers, educators, and leaders who contribute to the vibrant, multicultural tapestry of Houston while also featuring staff recommendations for our favorite music, books, movies, and more by Asian and Asian American creatives.
At Asia Society Texas, APAH Month is an opportunity to celebrate and honor Asians and Asian Americans and to uplift their stories to a broader audience as part of our goal to inspire our larger community to better understand one another through culture, conversation, and connection. For information about sponsoring APAH Month and other projects like this one, please contact Saleena Jafry at [email protected] or 713.496.9939.
Presenting Sponsor of APAH Month at Asia Society Texas
Sponsors of APAH Month
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP
Media Sponsor

APAH Month 2024 Calendar
Digital Calendar Interactive/Printable PDF
Past APAH Month Calendars
2023: Highlights | Details
2022: Highlights | Details
2021: Details
About Asia Society Texas
Asia Society Texas believes in the strength and beauty of diverse perspectives and people. As an educational institution, we advance cultural exchange by celebrating the vibrant diversity of Asia, inspiring empathy, and fostering a better understanding of our interconnected world. Spanning the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, our programming is rooted in the educational and cultural development of our community — trusting in the power of art, dialogue, and ideas to combat bias and build a more inclusive society.