Mini-Conference: The Future of Agriculture – What Is Asia Doing to Avoid a Potential Food Crisis?
Overcoming Inefficient Practices, Applying New Technologies, and Meeting New Challenges
Is Asia equipped to feed its growing population? By 2050, we expect up to 10 billion people to live on our planet (with more than half in Asia). This will require a 70 percent increase in today’s food production. At the same time, the agricultural sector is affected by climate change effects, limited availability of arable land and fresh water. How can the gap be closed? On June 18, 2020, we hosted our first online Mini-Conference on the topic featuring a keynote presentation by AgFoodTech’s Dr. Jaleh Daie, and two parallel breakout sessions with Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) Sridhar Dharmapuri, and Beanstalk Agtech’s Rob Hulme.