Gen A 2020
Preparing the Next Generation for the Asian Century

Asia becomes ever more important, and with it the study of the region and related subject areas. Gen A 2020 was Asia Society Switzerland’s pilot program aimed at young professionals and advanced students, which deepened their knowledge of Asia-related issues and to identify opportunities for successful collaboration with Asia. It ran from March until December, 2020, yielded 18 alumnae and alumni and has provided the basis for a network of the future generation of Asia-engaged professionals.
“Participating in the Gen A 2020 program was one of the most exciting things for me this year. Even though I stayed in Switzerland (mostly at home), I was able to meet Asia-experts who where willing to share their insights, answer questions and open windows to Asia – to places far away that are more connected to Switzerland than you might think.”
“Nothing can beat the Asia-insights gained through the intimate roundtables with decorated professors, thought-provoking journalists or far-travelled amabassadors!”
“The Gen A program further strengthened my interest and showed me how much I can still learn and experience, and therefore created another strong motivation to increase and further develop my involvement in topics related to Asia. Previously, I was rather reserved and respectful of Asian related issues. The program has equipped me with the network, tools, and mindset that I can now use to further engage with high-impact issues and Asian related topics. I look forward to continuing to be involved with Asia Society.”
“Gen A is not only a program, it’s also a community. It’s a great way to learn about a wide range of Asian topics, meet professionals across industries and build a great network!”
Alumnae & Alumni
Cecilia Perversi, Célia Rohrer, Corinne Estermann, Dolma Blattner, Elisa Cadelli, Francis Müller, Gabriel Ruggli, Julia Rickenbacher, Lisa Peers Dermont, Lucia Toth, Martín Mosteiro Romero, Matteo Bernasconi, Maurin Widmer, Michael Koch, Michael Rychener-Schreiner, Myrta Brunner, Olivier Stamm, Sonja Schneider

Contact for more information on past, ongoing or future programs
Serena Jung
Program Manager
Selection of Final Essays
Fleeting Shadows: Uighurs’ precarious position in Southeast Asia by Matteo Bernasconi on Scribd
African problems can only be solved by Africans...and Chinese? by Michael Rychener-Schreiner on Scribd
Has Japan lost its hope? by Julia Rickenbacher on Scribd
Spatial Agglomeration in China - An Analysis of the Status Quo by Olivier Stamm on Scribd
The New China Experts by Corinne Estermann on Scribd