Talk at the Library: The Swiss-Chinese Relationship Through History
VIEW EVENT DETAILSA Conversation with Historian Ariane Knüsel
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In the 18th century, traveling from Switzerland to China was a long and arduous journey, complicated even more by the Qing Dynasty's strict immigration and trade regulations. Among the first Swiss visitors were skilled Jesuits, welcomed at the Qing court particularly as master clockmakers. Swiss watches were one of the few European products to capture China’s interest at the time, while Chinese goods such as tea, porcelain, and silk were highly sought after in Europe. Over time, travel and trade between the two nations became more accessible. A historic milestone was reached in 2013, when Switzerland became one of the first Western countries to sign a free trade agreement with China.
Published in 2024, the book Die Schweiz und China: Von den Opiumkriegen bis zur neuen Seidenstrasse by Ariane Knüsel and Ralph Weber chronicles the over 200 years of history between these two nations, covering major historical events as well as fascinating anecdotes.
What were the experiences of early Swiss travelers to China? How did the upheavals of the 20th century affect Sino-Swiss relations? What led to the free trade agreement, and how has the relationship evolved since?
Join us for a conversation with author Ariane Knüsel as we explore the remarkable history of two nations connected by an unusual and enduring relationship.
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Ariane Knüsel is Associate Professor at the University of Fribourg, Associate Researcher at Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland and The Institute for Global European Studies of the University of Basel. She received her venia legendi (habilitation) in contemporary history from University of Fribourg, a PhD in History from the University of Zurich, and has MAs from Birkbeck College, University of London, and the University of Zurich. She has published widely on the history of Switzerland China, Western diplomatic relations with China, Western media perceptions of China, and Chinese intelligence operations in Europe. Her previous publications include China’s European Headquarters: Switzerland and China during the Cold War (Cambridge University Press, 2022), 100 Years of the Swiss Consulate’s Presence in Guangzhou (EDA, Bern 2022), and Framing China: Media Images and Political Debates in Britain, the USA and Switzerland, 1900-1950 (Ashgate, 2012).
About Talks at the Library
Talk at the Library is a members-only series where we invite an expert to our office library, over lunch, for a conversation on specific niche topics on a variety of countries and regions of Asia. The program consists of a moderated discussion and subsequent audience Q&A. Participants have the opportunity interact with the experts, asking questions live or online. Online participation is open to the public.
Event Details
Asia Society Switzerland
Mühlebachstrasse 20
8008 Zurich