Book Salon: Lady Tan's Circle Of Women

For this Book Salon, we will read Lady Tan's Circle Of Women by Lisa See.
About the book (publisher's description):
According to Confucius, "an educated woman is a worthless woman," but Tan Yunxian – born into an elite family – is being raised by her grandparents to be of use. Her grandmother is one of only a handful of female doctors in China, and she teaches Yunxian the pillars of Chinese medicine, the Four Examinations – looking, listening, touching, and asking – something a man can never do with a female patient.
From a young age, Yunxian learns about women's illnesses alongside a young midwife-in-training, Meiling. The two girls find a mutual purpose and vow to be forever friends. But when Yunxian is sent into an arranged marriage, her mother-in-law forbids her from seeing Meiling and helping the women and girls in the household. Yunxian is to act like a proper wife – embroider bound-foot slippers, recite poetry, give birth to sons, and stay forever within the walls of the family compound. How might a woman like Yunxian break free of these traditions and lead a life of such importance that many of her remedies are still used five centuries later?
Reviews: The Straits Times, The New York Times, The Independent.
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Attendance is free. We appreciate if you let us know that you'll be attending in the Book Salon WhatsApp group chat or via mail to [email protected].
About Asia Society Book Salon
In Asia Society Switzerland's Book Salons, we open a direct window into Asian lives. Histories, discourses, and cultures make up the textures of novels. Together we read and discuss fiction from or about Asia in an informal setting to intentionally exchange our perspectives as a practice in curiosity, openness, and empathy. We meet four times a year – in person in Zurich, if possible. For more information about upcoming meetings and books to read, please join the WhatsApp group or contact us at [email protected].
Event Details
Asia Society Switzerland
Mühlebachstr. 20, 1st floor
8008 Zurich