A process that determines the potential environmental and social risks and impacts (including human rights and climate change risks and impacts) of a proposed project in its area of influence. It is also a comprehensive document of the project’s potential environmental and social risks and impacts. An ESIA is usually prepared for greenfield developments or large expansions with specifically identified physical elements, aspects, and facilities that are likely to generate significant environmental or social impacts. Where the project has the potential to cause adverse human rights impacts, the documentation should include an assessment of those impacts. Examples of assessment documentation include, but are not limited to, the following: an environmental and social impact assessment, environmental and social audit, hazard assessment, risk assessment, cumulative impact assessment, social and conflict analysis, environmental and social management plan (ESMP), environmental and social management framework, regional ESIA, sectoral ESIA, strategic environmental and social assessment (SESA), resettlement plan, livelihood restoration plan, Indigenous peoples plan (IPP), biodiversity action plan (BAP), cultural heritage management plan (CHMP), and relevant project-specific environmental permits. Non-technical environmental and social summaries can supplement the assessment documentation, especially when these are disclosed to the public as part a broader stakeholder engagement process.
Although social impacts and risks may be examined as part of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) in some host countries, it is important to determine whether a separate or supplementary social impact assessment (SIA) may be necessary to identify the full range of impacts on and risks to society — particularly women; the elderly; children and youth; people with disabilities; Indigenous peoples; ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities; refugees; and displaced populations. For more information about engaging affected people, civil society organizations (CSOs)/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders in this assessment, see Preparation and Implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).