Indian Carbon Market: ETS Simulation Workshop
VIEW EVENT DETAILSThe Government of India has laid the foundation for the Indian Carbon Market through its recently passed Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill. This bill requires industries to meet a given GHG emission intensity target aligned to India’s overall targets which can be traded or abated through emissions allowances.
To provide background and knowledge of Emissions Trading Systems and their impact on industry, the Asia Society Policy Institute, in partnership with the Council on Energy Environment and Water (CEEW) and the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), is conducting first-of-its-kind “Emission Trading System Simulation Workshops” in three cities in India — Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad. These events will be offered at no charge and will include live, in-person simulation workshop sessions as well as training presentations and discussions for those who will be most affected by the regulatory changes.
Please join us in the limited-seating event which provides an incredible and unique opportunity for participants to learn how an ETS works from the world’s leading experts in carbon markets. *Pre-registration is required* through the provided link. For more information about this workshop, contact [email protected].
Josh Margolis oversaw the conception, development, and refinement of CarbonSim while at the Environmental Defense Fund and is the CarbonSim administrator for this project. A long-time environmental markets practitioner, Josh has provided environmental market simulation, brokerage, advisory, and capacity building services to stakeholders participating, administering, and/or affected by voluntary and compliance emissions and environmental trading systems in >30 countries. Recently Josh delivered ETS trainings using CarbonSim for the benefit of and/or in collaboration with the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), DAI/USAID in Vietnam, EDF in Colombia, and a number of universities including Duke, Columbia, and the University of Queensland.
Alistair Ritchie leads and oversees activities on Asian carbon market development and net zero GHG emission goals at the Asia Society Policy Institute. Alistair is an international expert in greenhouse gas emissions trading systems (ETSs), and a known leader in their development. He is currently leading a major project to contribute to resolving design challenges of China’s national ETS and supporting development of effective ETSs in several Asian countries including India. Previously, he was team leader of the project to support the Korean government’s implementation and upgrade of the K-ETS. He was also the technical lead for the project to support the development of China’s national ETS. In Europe, Alistair played a key role in improving the EU ETS through managing and directing several projects for DG CLIMA to support Phase 3 and 4 policy design and implementation.