Amb. Cho Hyun
CHO Hyun, a former Korean diplomat, has been teaching security issues and political economy at Seoul National University since he left the Korean government in August 2022 after 40 years of foreign service. He served as Korean Ambassador to Austria and the IAEA(2011-2014), Ambassador to India(2015-2017) and Permanent Representative to the United Nations(2019-2022). He also worked as Vice Foreign Minister (2017-2019). While his current area of focus is the security issues in Northeast Asia, he was an economic officer at the Korean Embassy in Washington DC when Korea was going through a financial crisis in 1997. He also dealt with trade issues during his secondment to the OECE Secretariat(1999-2002). Ambassador Cho graduated from Yonsei University in Seoul in 1980, and studied at SIPA of Columbia University in 1993, and earned his PhD from Science Po. in Toulouse, France in 2008.